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Jun 29 – 30, 2023 Annual Conference
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone
Welcome to Barcelona!

Civil-Military Relations in Challenging Times

Jun 29, 2023, 3:00 PM
1h 30m
Room 40.152 (Roger de Llúria 40, 1st floor) (Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona)

Room 40.152 (Roger de Llúria 40, 1st floor)

Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Campus de la Ciutadella C/ de Ramon Trias Fargas, 25, 08005 Barcelona, Spain
Panel Proposal (Open Panels) Civil-Military Relations in Challenging times Open Panels


Ms Daphné Charlotte (Maastricht University)Dr Sofia Ledberg (Swedish Defense University) Stephen Saideman (Carleton University)Dr Vicky Karyoti (Swedish Institute of International Affairs)


The war in Ukraine reminds us of the stakes involved in civil-military relations. How do democracies ensure that their militaries are most effective while facing new challenges posed by technology and increasingly complex missions and battlefields? The papers in this panel address increasingly important yet still understudied issues: how to manage the inclusion of artificial intelligence in military efforts, how to manage relationships with non-government organizations while in and near combat, how reforms in managing the military affect the profession of arms, and how do defense ministries see their role in all of this.

What discipline or branch of humanities or social sciences do you identify yourself with? Political Science, War Studies, European Politics, Internatioanl Relations
If you are submitting an Open Panel proposal, have you included all four abstracts in attachment? Yes, I have included all required information (see below).
Are you a PhD student or early-career researcher? No

Primary authors

Ms Daphné Charlotte (Maastricht University) Dr Sofia Ledberg (Swedish Defense University) Stephen Saideman (Carleton University) Dr Vicky Karyoti (Swedish Institute of International Affairs)


Francesca Colli (Maastricht University) Dr Yf Reykers (Maastricht University)

Presentation materials