By developing and applying a new typology of policy entrepreneurs that grasp the variety of stakeholders involved in the policy process within EU security policy at both the national and the EU levels (supranational, intergovernmental, collective, and individual, with and without formal powers,etc.), this article contributes to a better understanding of the recent developments in this policy domain. The progress of this hitherto lagging development of EU security policy is evidenced by the adoption of multiple new instruments with the European Peace Facility (EPF) and European Defence Industry Reinforcement Through Common Procurement Act (EDIRP) constituting two potentially the most far-reaching tools. By investigating entrepreneurs from the perspective of their access to policy venues and their ability to alternate between the venues, this article engages in a comparative study design and unpacks the dynamics of the policy process that led to the adoption of these two instruments. Both instruments differ in terms of their institutional positioning in the EU security architecture implying the involvement of various types of policy entrepreneurs. Against this backdrop, the paper provides insights into what types of policy entrepreneurs were most successful in linking ideas for these instruments with favorable socio-economic and political factors to promote a certain policy instrument and why were some types more successful than others. Furthermore, the analysis shows to what extent did the dynamics between various entrepreneurs and their ability to push for change evolve throughout the stages of the policy process. From the broader perspective, the contribution sheds light on the de-facto distribution of powers between various EU security policy stakeholders.
What discipline or branch of humanities or social sciences do you identify yourself with? | Political science |
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