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EISS 2022 - Annual ConferenceAnnual Conference

Hertie School

Hertie School

180 Friedrichstraße 10117 Berlin, Germany
Hugo Meijer (Sciences Po CERI), Marina Henke (Hertie School)

Welcome to the EISS Annual Conference! This is our largest event, bringing together hundreds of academics, graduate students, and policy-makers.


In 2022, the Hertie School is kindly hosting us in the heart of Berlin!


The Annual Conference is structured around two categories of panels. Closed panels are recurring year-over-year and are pre-established by the EISS. Open panels are proposed by participants. They are intended to broaden the range of existing themes in the EISS and to provide the community with the chance to uniquely shape the programme and content of the Conference.

From the same series
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    • Registration & Coffee
      Convener: Dr Hugo Meijer (Sciences Po CERI)
    • Introductory Remarks
      Convener: Dr Hugo Meijer (Sciences Po CERI)
    • Roundtable 1: The War in Ukraine

      Chair :
      Moritz Weiss, LMU Munich
      Lindsay Cohn, Naval War College
      Olivier Schmitt, University of Southern Denmark
      Marc DeVore, University of St Andrews
      Dominika Kunertova, University of Southern Denmark

    • 1
      External Sponsorship and Conflict Intervention

      Erin K. Jenne, Central European University ‌

      “Carpe‌ Diem:‌ When‌ Foreign‌ Sponsors‌ Intervene‌ Directly‌ in‌ Civil‌ War”
      Giuseppe Spatafora, University of Oxford ‌

      “The‌ Uneasy‌ Relation‌ of‌ Proxy‌ War‌and‌ States’‌Interests.‌ Pursuing‌ Strategic‌ Opportunities‌ in‌ Civil‌ Wars”
      Natalia Tellidou, European University Institute ‌

      ”If‌ You‌ Can’t‌ Beat‌’em,‌ Join‌’em”:‌ Conceptualizing‌ Non-State‌ Armed‌ Group‌ Interaction”
      Michel Wyss, Leiden University & Military Academy at ETH Zurich ‌

      “The‌ Logic‌ of‌ Diaspora‌ Sponsorship‌ to‌ Rebel‌ Organizations”
      Sara Daub, Hertie School

    • 2
      Military Technology

      Chair :
      Marc DeVore, University of St Andrews ‌

      “Un-Hyping‌ Hypersonic‌ Weapons”
      Dominika Kunertova, ETH Zurich ‌

      “Technology‌ as‌ Status‌ Anchor:‌ How‌ Russia‌ Perceives‌ Artificial‌ Intelligence”
      Anna Nadibaidze, University of Southern Denmark

      "Drone‌ Use‌ in‌ Ukraine:‌ Claims‌ and‌ Implications"
      James Page, Durham University and University of St Andrews

    • Lunch Time
    • 3
      Arms Procurement and Transfers

      Jocelyn Mawdsley, Newcastle University

      “Why‌ States‌ Arm‌–‌and‌ Why‌ They‌ Sometimes‌ Do‌ So‌ Together”
      Ulrich Krotz, Sciences Po & Jonata Anicetti, Metropolitan University Prague ‌

      “'Aiding‌ and‌ Assisting'‌ Atrocity‌ Crimes?‌ Britain’s‌ Prevention‌ Paradox‌ in‌ Yemen”
      Gillian McKay, University of Leeds ‌

      ”European‌ Arms‌ Collaboration‌ All‌ at‌ Sea?‌ Competition‌ and‌Co-operation‌ Over‌ Global‌ Naval‌ Exports”‌
      Brendan Flynn, National University of Ireland Galway

      “Cyber‌ Arms‌ Transfer:‌ Meaning,‌ Limits‌ and‌ Implications”
      Max Smeets, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH)

    • 4
      Private Actors, Armed Conflict and The State

      Chiara Ruffa, Swedish Defence University ‌

      “The‌ Impact‌ of‌ Commercial‌ Military‌ Actors‌ on‌ Armed‌ Conflict‌ Termination,‌1980–2010”
      Ulrich Petersohn & Leila Kellgren Parker, University of Liverpool ‌

      “Domestic‌ Operations‌ and‌ Outsourcing‌ of‌ Security.‌ What‌ Implications‌ for‌ the‌ Military?”
      Matteo Mazziotti di Celso, University of Genoa ‌

      “A‌ Source‌ of‌ Escalation‌ or‌ a‌ Source‌ of‌ Restraint?‌ Whether‌ and‌ How‌ Civil‌ Society‌ Affects‌ Mass‌ Killings”
      Erica Chenoweth, Harvard University & Evan Perkoski, University of Connecticut ‌

      “Rules,‌ Expertise,‌ and‌ the‌ Rise‌ of‌ the‌ Regulatory‌ Security‌ State"
      Andreas Kruck and Moritz Weiss, LMU Munich

    • 5
      Military Professionalism in Crisis: The Present and Future of Democratic Civil-Military Relations

      Stephen Saideman, Carleton University

      ‌“What‌ Does‌ Military‌ Professionalism‌ Mean?‌ A‌ Contested‌ Concept‌ in‌ the‌ Post-Heroic‌ Society”‌
      Kristine Eck, Uppsala University & Chiara Ruffa, Swedish Defence University ‌

      “The‌ Democratic‌ Military‌ in‌Internal‌ Missions:‌ Professionalism‌ in‌ an‌ Era‌ of‌ Climate,‌ Health‌ and‌ Humanitarian‌ Crises”
      Risa Brooks, Marquette University ‌

      “USA,‌ ‘Military‌ Politics‌ on‌ the‌ Battlefield:‌ Strategy‌ and‌ Effectiveness‌ in‌ War’”
      Carrie Lee, US Army War College ‌

      “Military‌ Professionalism‌ under‌ Political‌ Polarization”
      Lindsay Cohn, US Naval War College

    • 6
      Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism

      Bernhard Blumenau, University of St Andrews

      “Veterans,‌ Novices,‌ and‌ Patterns‌ of‌ Rebel‌ Recruitment“
      Evan Perkoski, University of Connecticut

      “The‌ Human‌ Dignity‌ Case‌ Against‌ Administrative‌ Detention“
      Eden Lapidor, Georgetown University Law Center ‌

      “Blurring‌ the‌ Lines:‌ Sovereignty‌ and‌ Consent‌ in‌ the‌ Fight‌ against‌ Terrorism”
      Renée de Nevers, Syracuse University

      ‌“Between‌ the‌ Scylla‌ of‌‘ Ontological‌ Lethargy’‌ and‌ the‌ Charybdis‌ of‌‘ Epistemological‌ Terrorism’:‌ Revisiting‌ the‌ critical‌ vs‌ orthodox‌ divide‌ in‌ Terrorism‌ Studies”
      Andreas Gofas, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens

    • Coffee Break
    • Roundtable 2: Navigating The Academic Job Market

      Fabrizio Coticchia, University of Genoa
      Stephanie Hofmann, Chair in International Relations, European University Institute
      Nicolas Blarel, Associate Professor & Director of Studies at the Institute of Political Science, Leiden University
      Aviva Guttmann, Lecturer, Aberystwyth University
      Matthew Uttley, Professor and former Dean of Academic Studies, King’s College London

    • 7
      Defence Cooperation and Military Assistance

      Niccolò Petrelli, Roma Tre University ‌

      “Military‌ Assistance‌ and‌ National‌ Security”
      Kersti Larsdotter, Swedish Defence University ‌

      “Understanding‌ NATO‌ Entanglement‌ in‌ Non-Member‌ Conflicts:‌ Evidence‌ from‌ Bosnia,‌ 1993-95”
      Stefano Recchia, Southern Methodist University ‌

      “The‌ Migration-Defence‌ Nexus:‌ Unravelling‌ the‌ Effect‌ of‌ Migration‌ on‌ Defence‌ Efforts‌ in‌ the‌ Transatlantic‌ Community”
      Daphné Charotte, Maastricht University ‌

      “Military‌ Expenditure,‌ External‌ Threats‌ and‌ Fiscal‌ Consolidation:‌ A‌ Survey‌ Experiment‌ in‌ Italy”
      Alessia Aspide, Leiden University; Jordan Becker, USMA West Point; Matthew Di Giuseppe, Leiden University

    • 8
      Norm Violation, Sanctions, and the Punitive Use of Force

      Simon Koschut, Zeppelin University

      ‌“Norm‌ Violations‌ and‌ Punishment‌ Beyond‌ the‌ Nation-State.‌ Normative‌ Orders,‌ Authority,‌ and‌ Conflict‌ in‌ International‌ Society”
      Wolfgang Wagner, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (et al.)

      ‌“Deciphering‌ International‌ Punishment:‌ Literary,‌ Legal‌ and‌ Political‌ Insights‌ from‌ the‌ Global‌ South”
      Siddharth Mallavarapu, Shiv Nadar University ‌

      “Sanctions‌ and‌ the‌ Authority‌ of‌ Legitimate‌ Punishment‌ in‌ International‌ Politics”
      Elin Hellquist, Stockholm University ‌

      “Punishment,‌ Panopticum‌ and‌ the‌ Contingency‌ of‌ Legal‌ Norms‌-‌A‌ Legal-Philosophical‌ Perspective‌ of‌ the‌ War‌ in‌ Ukraine”
      Cornelia Baciu, University of Copenhagen

    • 9
      Cybercrime and International Security

      Mischa Hansel, University of Hamburg (IFSH) & Anja Jakobi, Technical University Braunschweig ‌

      “Unpacking‌ Cyber‌ Affordances‌ in‌ the‌ Context‌ of‌ State-Cybercrime:‌ A‌ Criminological‌ Perspective”
      Anita Lavorgna, University of Southampton ‌

      “On‌ the‌ Peace‌ and‌ Security‌ Implications‌ of‌ Cybercrime‌–‌ The‌ Need‌ for‌ an‌ Integrated‌ Approach”
      Jantje Silomon, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg

      ‌“The‌ UN‌ Cybercrime‌ Negotiations:‌ Harmonisation‌ and‌ Universality‌ or‌ Polarisation‌ and‌ Fragmentation?”
      Tatiana Tropina, Leiden University ‌

      “Business‌ as‌ Usual‌ or‌ New‌ Forms‌ of‌ Collaboration?‌ Non-State‌ Actors‌ in‌ UN‌ Cybercrime‌ Governance”
      Lena Herbst, Technical University Braunschweig

    • 10
      Military Interventions

      Kristen Harkness, University of St Andrews ‌

      “Russia’s‌ Way‌ of‌ War:‌ Comparing‌ Russian‌ Strategy‌ and‌ Operations‌ in‌ Ukraine‌ and‌ Syria”‌
      Nicolò Fasola, University of Birmingham ‌

      “The‌ Adaptation‌ Cascade:‌ The‌ Global‌ Diffusion‌ of‌ All-Female‌ Military‌ Units‌ in‌ Military‌ Interventions”
      Cristina Fontanelli, University of Genoa ‌

      “Trade-Offs‌ in‌ the‌ Use‌ of‌ Military‌ Power:‌ Lessons‌ Learned‌ from‌ French‌ Military‌ Operations‌ Abroad”
      Olivier Schmitt, University of Southern Denmark ‌

      “Visualizing‌ American‌ Military‌ Interventions‌ Abroad”‌
      Hubert Zimmermann, University of Marburg

    • Lunch Time
    • 11
      Foreign Information Influence as an (Inter)National Security Threat

      Charlotte Wagnsson, Swedish Defence University

      ‌“Does‌ Russian‌ Antagonistic‌ Strategic‌ Narration‌ Trigger‌ Destabilising‌ Psychological‌ Effects?‌ An‌ Experimental‌ Study‌ in‌ Sweden‌ and‌ the‌ Netherlands”
      Aiden Hoyle, University of Amsterdam

      ‌“News‌,Media‌ and‌ (In)Security‌ in‌ Ukrainian‌ Border‌ Regions:‌ An‌ Assessment‌ of‌ Threats‌ and‌ Vulnerabilities”
      Joanna Szostek, Glasgow University ‌

      “How‌ RT‌ and‌ Sputnik‌ Cover‌ the‌ News‌ in‌ Mali:‌ a‌ Textual‌ Analysis‌ of‌ Russia’s‌ Information‌ Influence‌ in‌ Francophone‌ Africa”
      Maxime Audinet, Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM) ‌

      “The‌ Online‌ Reception‌ of‌ Russia‌ and‌ Chinese‌ News‌ Coverage‌ of‌ the‌ US‌ 2020‌ Election”
      Thomas Colley, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst

    • 12
      Weapons of Mass Destruction: Non-Proliferation and Arms Control

      Kristin Ven Bruusgaard, University of Oslo & Michal Onderco, Erasmus University Rotterdam

      “The‌ Possible‌ Impact‌ of‌ Sole‌ Purpose‌ Policy‌ on‌ the‌ NATO‌ Alliance”
      Aylin Matlé, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) ‌

      “The‌ US‌ Rebalancing‌ from‌ Europe‌ to‌ the‌ Indo-Pacific:‌ Risks‌ for‌ Deterrence‌ Failure‌ and‌ Inadvertent‌ Escalation”
      Paul van Hooft, Hague Centre for Strategic Studies/Royal Dutch Military Academy ‌

      “Ideology‌ and‌ Risk:‌ The‌ Neuroscience‌ of‌ Nuclear‌ Reversal”
      Rupal N. Mehta & Ms. Noelle Troutman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ‌

      “The‌ Lesser‌ Evil?‌ Experimental‌ Evidence‌ on‌ Nuclear‌ and‌ Chemical‌ Weapon‌‘Taboos’”
      Michal Smetana, Charles University; Marek Vranka, Charles University; Ondrˇej Rosendorf, Peace Research Center Prague

    • Coffee Break
    • Roundtable 3: Devising an Effective Publication Strategy

      Silvia D’Amato, Leiden University
      Sarah Kreps, associate editor for International Security in the Cambridge Elements series, Cornell University
      Joe Maiolo, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Strategic Studies & member of the Editorial Board, Intelligence & National Security
      Mathilde von Bulow, Editor, War in History
      Eirini Karamouzi, Former Book Editor, Cold War History

    • Award of the European Security Studies Best Paper Prize
    • Concluding Remarks

      Marina Henke, Hertie School
      Hugo Meijer, Director of EISS / Sciences Po

    • Cocktail