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Welcome to the EISS event management platform. You will find our past and future events, including our online events, workshops, and Annual Conferences.

Already a Member? To have access to our Membership Space & Events, make sure your Indico email matches the one you used to subscribe on Stripe.

About us

The European Initiative for Security Studies (EISS) is a Europe-wide multidisciplinary network of scholars that share the goal of consolidating security studies in Europe.

EISS is a registered charity (W751263001) under French law. | L'EISS est une association loi 1901 enregistrée sous le numéro W751263001 au Répertoire Nationale des Associations, et appartenant au champ de l'économie sociale et solidaire.

About this platform

This platform runs on Indico, an open-source server solution developed by CERN with the support of the United Nations.

Indico System, Copyright © 2014–2024 CERN. All rights reserved.
Content, material, and other data, Copyright © 2018–2024 EISS. All rights reserved.

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There are 13 events in the past. Show There are 13 events in the past. Hide