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Jun 29 – 30, 2023 Annual Conference
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona
Europe/Madrid timezone
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Re-visiting the political economy of security

Jun 30, 2023, 1:50 PM
Room 40.012 (Roger de Llúria 40) (Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona)

Room 40.012 (Roger de Llúria 40)

Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona

Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Campus de la Ciutadella C/ de Ramon Trias Fargas, 25, 08005 Barcelona, Spain
Panel Proposal (Open Panels) Re-visiting the Political Economy of Security Open Panels


Prof. Kaija Schilde (Boston University)Mr Lucas Hellemeier (Freie Universität Berlin)Dr Moritz Weiss (LMU Munich)Dr Sanne Verschuren (Sciences Po Paris)


The war in Ukraine has once again shifted global defense policies and continues to cause economic turmoil. Against this backdrop, we are witnessing vivid debates on the political economy of security highlighting the close connection between the two domains of security and economics. The objective of this panel is to shed light not only on those recent developments, but to take a broader – also historical – look at the political drivers and constraints of arms production. Panelists will address the challenges that states face from different perspectives including foci on policy processes, market size, the conversion of ideas into military capabilities, and bureaucratic politics. They will explore the drivers of defense-industrial specialization as well as of outsourcing, but also the distributive politics of military innovation of the past and the failures to generate military power in the present. What the papers share and what is, therefore, the key contribution of this panel to the EISS Annual Conference is to link the past with the present in order to bring politics back into a better understanding of arms production.

Chair and discussant: Moritz Weiss (LMU Munich)

What discipline or branch of humanities or social sciences do you identify yourself with? International Relations and Political Science
If you are submitting an Open Panel proposal, have you included all four abstracts in attachment? Yes, I have included all required information (see below).
Are you a PhD student or early-career researcher? No

Primary authors

Prof. Kaija Schilde (Boston University) Mr Lucas Hellemeier (Freie Universität Berlin) Dr Sanne Verschuren (Sciences Po Paris)

Presentation materials
