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June 30, 2022 to July 1, 2022 Annual Conference
Hertie School
Europe/Paris timezone

Defence Cooperation and Military Assistance

Jul 1, 2022, 10:00 AM
1h 30m
Hertie School

Hertie School

180 Friedrichstraße 10117 Berlin, Germany


Niccolò Petrelli, Roma Tre University ‌

“Military‌ Assistance‌ and‌ National‌ Security”
Kersti Larsdotter, Swedish Defence University ‌

“Understanding‌ NATO‌ Entanglement‌ in‌ Non-Member‌ Conflicts:‌ Evidence‌ from‌ Bosnia,‌ 1993-95”
Stefano Recchia, Southern Methodist University ‌

“The‌ Migration-Defence‌ Nexus:‌ Unravelling‌ the‌ Effect‌ of‌ Migration‌ on‌ Defence‌ Efforts‌ in‌ the‌ Transatlantic‌ Community”
Daphné Charotte, Maastricht University ‌

“Military‌ Expenditure,‌ External‌ Threats‌ and‌ Fiscal‌ Consolidation:‌ A‌ Survey‌ Experiment‌ in‌ Italy”
Alessia Aspide, Leiden University; Jordan Becker, USMA West Point; Matthew Di Giuseppe, Leiden University

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