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June 30, 2022 to July 1, 2022 Annual Conference
Hertie School
Europe/Paris timezone

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Non-Proliferation and Arms Control

Jul 1, 2022, 2:00 PM
1h 30m
Hertie School

Hertie School

180 Friedrichstraße 10117 Berlin, Germany


Kristin Ven Bruusgaard, University of Oslo & Michal Onderco, Erasmus University Rotterdam

“The‌ Possible‌ Impact‌ of‌ Sole‌ Purpose‌ Policy‌ on‌ the‌ NATO‌ Alliance”
Aylin Matlé, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) ‌

“The‌ US‌ Rebalancing‌ from‌ Europe‌ to‌ the‌ Indo-Pacific:‌ Risks‌ for‌ Deterrence‌ Failure‌ and‌ Inadvertent‌ Escalation”
Paul van Hooft, Hague Centre for Strategic Studies/Royal Dutch Military Academy ‌

“Ideology‌ and‌ Risk:‌ The‌ Neuroscience‌ of‌ Nuclear‌ Reversal”
Rupal N. Mehta & Ms. Noelle Troutman, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ‌

“The‌ Lesser‌ Evil?‌ Experimental‌ Evidence‌ on‌ Nuclear‌ and‌ Chemical‌ Weapon‌‘Taboos’”
Michal Smetana, Charles University; Marek Vranka, Charles University; Ondrˇej Rosendorf, Peace Research Center Prague

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