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June 30, 2022 to July 1, 2022 Annual Conference
Hertie School
Europe/Paris timezone

Military Technology

Jun 30, 2022, 11:00 AM
1h 30m
Hertie School

Hertie School

180 Friedrichstraße 10117 Berlin, Germany


Chair :
Marc DeVore, University of St Andrews ‌

“Un-Hyping‌ Hypersonic‌ Weapons”
Dominika Kunertova, ETH Zurich ‌

“Technology‌ as‌ Status‌ Anchor:‌ How‌ Russia‌ Perceives‌ Artificial‌ Intelligence”
Anna Nadibaidze, University of Southern Denmark

"Drone‌ Use‌ in‌ Ukraine:‌ Claims‌ and‌ Implications"
James Page, Durham University and University of St Andrews

Presentation materials

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