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June 30, 2022 to July 1, 2022 Annual Conference
Hertie School
Europe/Paris timezone

External Sponsorship and Conflict Intervention

Jun 30, 2022, 11:00 AM
1h 30m
Hertie School

Hertie School

180 Friedrichstraße 10117 Berlin, Germany


Erin K. Jenne, Central European University ‌

“Carpe‌ Diem:‌ When‌ Foreign‌ Sponsors‌ Intervene‌ Directly‌ in‌ Civil‌ War”
Giuseppe Spatafora, University of Oxford ‌

“The‌ Uneasy‌ Relation‌ of‌ Proxy‌ War‌and‌ States’‌Interests.‌ Pursuing‌ Strategic‌ Opportunities‌ in‌ Civil‌ Wars”
Natalia Tellidou, European University Institute ‌

”If‌ You‌ Can’t‌ Beat‌’em,‌ Join‌’em”:‌ Conceptualizing‌ Non-State‌ Armed‌ Group‌ Interaction”
Michel Wyss, Leiden University & Military Academy at ETH Zurich ‌

“The‌ Logic‌ of‌ Diaspora‌ Sponsorship‌ to‌ Rebel‌ Organizations”
Sara Daub, Hertie School

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