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June 30, 2022 to July 1, 2022 Annual Conference
Hertie School
Europe/Paris timezone

Arms Procurement and Transfers

Jun 30, 2022, 1:30 PM
1h 30m
Hertie School

Hertie School

180 Friedrichstraße 10117 Berlin, Germany


Jocelyn Mawdsley, Newcastle University

“Why‌ States‌ Arm‌–‌and‌ Why‌ They‌ Sometimes‌ Do‌ So‌ Together”
Ulrich Krotz, Sciences Po & Jonata Anicetti, Metropolitan University Prague ‌

“'Aiding‌ and‌ Assisting'‌ Atrocity‌ Crimes?‌ Britain’s‌ Prevention‌ Paradox‌ in‌ Yemen”
Gillian McKay, University of Leeds ‌

”European‌ Arms‌ Collaboration‌ All‌ at‌ Sea?‌ Competition‌ and‌Co-operation‌ Over‌ Global‌ Naval‌ Exports”‌
Brendan Flynn, National University of Ireland Galway

“Cyber‌ Arms‌ Transfer:‌ Meaning,‌ Limits‌ and‌ Implications”
Max Smeets, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich (ETH)

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